進行大腸水療前三天,一天至少喝三次,一次200 C.C 1 甜菜根 3 紅蘿蔔 1 根芹菜 1/3 小黃瓜 1 綠檸檬 1 青蘋果 1小塊新鮮的薑
This breakfast has been traditionally used by those wanting to have a steady supply of energy in the morning, good digestion, regular elimination and a beautiful skin. It requires minimum preparation and is ready to be eaten in the morning.
Earthy: Calming and grounding
Floral: De-stressing and relaxing
Fresh: Up-lifting and energizing
Spicy: Sensual and warming
This breakfast has been traditionally used by those wanting to have a steady supply of energy in the morning, good digestion, regular elimination and a beautiful skin. It requires minimum preparation and is ready to be eaten in the morning.