Questions and answers
Rangoli Colon Hydrotherapy treatment will help you restore,
relax and rid yourself of physical and emotional toxins.
About Liz Coetzee and Rangoli Health Colon Hydrotherapy
Liz is a professionally trained colon hydrotherapist and has been a member of RICTAT (The International Register of Integrative Colon Therapists and Trainers) since 2012. She is also a qualified Ayurvedic Lifestyle counselor. She is passionate about helping people live healthy and happy lives.
What are the potential benefits?
Colon hydrotherapy may assist in improving discomfort such as
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Bowel Irregularity
- Candidiasis
- Chronic Constipation
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Diarrhea
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Joint Pains
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Migraines
- Skin conditions i.e. acne, psoriasis, cellulite
Decomposing matter in the colon can cause toxic conditions and may lead to health problems such as fatigue, lack of energy, premature aging, allergies, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Don’t wait until it’s too late!
The Treatment Process
First appointment: 1.5-2 hours
- 30 minutes – First you will fill in a health and lifestyle questionnaire in order to help your therapist adjust your treatment to suit your needs.
- 45 minutes: treatment time.
- 15 minutes: herbal tea, snacks and reflecting on your experience.
Follow-up treatments: 1 to 1.5 hours
How many treatments will I need?
For people who suffer from constipation or other chronic conditions around 5 treatments on average will be enough. If you have a healthy bowel 2-3 treatments. For “good maintenance” we suggest 1 treatment every 3 to 4 months.
Is it safe?
Yes. Filtered, temperature controlled water is introduced at a low, gentle pressure. Our equipment allows us to work with gravity or pressure, “pressure” never exceeds 2psi and the equipment has extra safety features which prevent this limit being exceeded. We check contraindications carefully to exclude any person who should not have a colonic for health reasons.
Sanitation is vital to this process. The tubes, pipes, and speculums that we use are fully disposable.
Does it hurt?
No. Although sometimes uncomfortable, it is not painful. At the start of the procedure, you may experience a “strange” sensation of wanting to go to the toilet, but most people get used to this feeling in the first few minutes, and even find the colonic treatment relaxing and uplifting.
What will I feel like after the treatment?
Some people feel energised and revitalised, while others may have a reaction such as tiredness, a detox headache or flu-like feelings. Some people feel lighter, very hungry or don’t feel like eating for hours afterwards. You will however be fine to drive home or go back to work.
Will I lose weight?
You may lose some weight. Most people feel lighter after a colonic. Just bear in mind that you lose wastes only, not fat or cellulite. A person living on ‘a diet of processed food’ may carry between 2-5kg of waste in the colon!
What is colon hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation, high colonic, entero-lavage, or simply, colonic, is the process of cleansing the colon by passing purified filtered, temperature-controlled water through it with the use of special equipment. It is similar to an enema but treats the whole colon, not just the lower bowel. This has the effect of flushing out impacted fecal matter; toxic wastes, yeasts and other undesirable matter that often build up over the passage of time. Decomposing matter can cause toxic conditions and may lead to health problems such as fatigue, lack of energy, premature aging, allergies, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
What are the potential benefits?
Colonic therapy may assist in improving intestinal discomfort such as bloating, bowel irregularity, yeast infections, IBS and constipation, as well as more general concerns like skin conditions, stress and fatigue. It is also considered ‘the ultimate anti-aging treatment’ and an excellent health maintenance regime.
- Removal of excess wastes, irritants and allergy triggers
- Restoration of bowel motility (movement)
- Rebuilding of the brain-gut connection
- Rehydration of the large intestine
- Rebalancing of gut bacteria
- Repair of the gut wall
- Re-education of yourself
Start three days before your appointment. Please first seek medical advice before changing your diet if you have any health conditions such as diabetes.
Avoid or Reduce
- “Junk food”, sugar, chocolate and artificial sweeterners.
- All animal products.
- Refined wheat products such as bread, pasta and cakes.
- Fried foods.
- Coffee, tea, soft drinks and diet drinks.
Eat and Drink
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
- Whole grains
- Fresh vegetable juice(see Recipes). Have 3 glasses a day of around 200ml each.
- Herbal teas such as Rooboi tea and Pure water (around 2 liters a day)
Follow a light diet of fruits, steamed vegetables, salads, soups, chicken or fish for two to three days.
- Avoid gas forming foods: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumbers, green peppers, radishes, onions, bananas, raw apples, prunes, melons, pears, eggs, beans and legumes.
- Avoid gassy drinks.
- Avoid heavy and fried food, flour products, spices, alcohol and coffee for at least 24 hours after the treatment.
- Eat plenty of fermented food such as sugar-free, natural yoghurt, sauerkraut
(see Recipes), kefir, kombucha and kimchi (in moderation). - Avoid any strenuous activity for 24 hours after the treatment.
What will I feel like after the treatment?
Some people feel energised and revitalised, while others feel tired “in a nice way”. You will however be fine to drive home or go back to work. Some people feel lighter, very hungry or don’t feel like eating for hours afterwards. As you release old faceal matter, you may also release old, stuck emotions, so just be open and willing to let go. Depending on your level of toxicity, you may get a headache, feel bloated or tired. Just take it easy and rest. During your treatment, the colon gets rehydrated and therefore you may experience increased urination afterwards. Since the colon has been cleared of solid matter, it may take a couple of days before it fills up again and normal bowel movements are resumed.
Persons with certain medical conditions (contraindicated conditions) are prohibited from undergoing colon hydro-therapy unless they are given approval and/or by prescription from their physician. These conditions include the following:
- Abdominal Hernia
- Anemia: Severe
- Autonomic dysreflexia, sudden onset of excessively high blood pressure (occurs in spinal injuries at or above T6)
- Active Inflammatory Bowel Disorders
- Ulcerative Colitis: Severe
- Crohn’s Disease
- Diverticulitis
- Inflamed hemorrhoids
- Blood Thinners e.g. Warfarin
- Carcinoma of the colon or rectum
- Uncontrolled Hypertension, HBP more than 140/90
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Fistulas
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Paralytic Ileus
- Kidney Dialysis
- Pregnant or breastfeeding
- Radiotherapy of the abdominal area, continuous
- Rectal bleeding
- Renal insufficiency
- Severe, persistent diarrhea
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Children under 16 years need a doctor’s referral and a guardian present at all times
The suitability of the treatment remains specific to the individual and must be assessed by a professional Colonic Hydrotherapist.
- Acute Abdominal Pain
- Anal tear, potential intolerance to the speculum
- Cancer of the colon or GI tract
- Chemotherapy and cancer treatments
- Controlled hypertension, HBP less than 140/90
- Diabetes Type 1 & 2 – Risk of Hypoglycemia
- Epilepsy or Psychosis
- Fissures/Fistulas
- General Debilitation
- Hypotension, LBP less than 90/60
- Inguinal Hernia
- Intestinal Perforation
- Long term Oral or Rectal Steroid intake – Risk of reduced bowel integrity
- Prescription for diuretics
- Prostatitis
- Recent Heart Attack
- Recent History of GI bleeding
- Severe underweight or eating disorders
- Severe Hemorrhoids
- Tight Sphincter
- Vascular Aneurysm
The following timelines given post-surgery are deliberately conservative and could be less with the written support of a Medical Specialist.
- Recent Colon or Rectal surgery (less than 26 weeks)
- Recent bowel biopsy (Less than 12 weeks)
- Recent prostate biopsy made through the bowel (less than 12 weeks)
- Recent Abdominal Surgery e.g. hysterectomy (less than 26 weeks)
- Recent Laparoscopy (less than 6 weeks)
- Recent hip/knee joint surgery (within 6 months)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disorders in remission for a minimum of 6 months
- Diverticulitis within 3 months
First treatment and Consultation
For the first appointment, you’d need to schedule 1.5 hours. You will first sit with the therapist and fill in a questionnaire about your lifestyle, diet, exercise, health history etc. This will give the therapist a clearer idea about your motivation and reasons for the treatment and she can accordingly adjust your treatment to suit your needs.
During the treatment, the therapist will gently massage the patient’s abdomen to help dislodge impacted faecal matter. The treatment lasts between 35-45 minutes. Our clients’ modesty is protected at all times. You will be fully covered, protected and warm during the treatment. Toilet and washing facilities are in the room, for your exclusive use. You will be served herbal tea and a small snack after your treatment.
Is it safe?
Yes. The filtered, temperature controlled water is introduced at a low, gentle pressure, which is even lower than the pressure that stools exert on the bowel wall. Sanitation is vital to this process. The tubes, pipes, and speculums that we use are fully disposable.
Does it hurt?
No. Although sometimes uncomfortable, it is not painful. At the start of the procedure, you may experience a “strange” sensation of wanting to go to the toilet, but most people get used to this feeling in the first few minutes, and even find the colonic treatment relaxing and uplifting.
Will I lose weight?
You may lose some weight. Most people feel lighter after a colonic. Just bear in mind that you lose wastes only, not fat or cellulite. A person living on ‘a diet of processed food’ may carry between 2-5 kg of waste in the colon! If you eat less, increase your fiber intake, move and exercise more, chew better and drink more water, then you will achieve a permanent weight loss.
How many treatments will I need?
Treatments may vary from 2-3 treatments per week (for people who suffer from constipation or other chronic conditions) to once every 3-4 months for “good maintenance”.
Since we live in a rather polluted environment, it is inevitable that our bodies are exposed to toxins in our food, water, air and living environments. A good clean-out every now-and-then can only be beneficial to our overall health. If you adopt our maintenance programme between treatments, then the number of colonics will be reduced, and the periods between treatments will be longer. Colonic hydrotherapy, unlike the use of laxatives, is not habit forming and improves the tone of the colon.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Don’t drink ice-cold water with your meals. Sip room temperature water throughout the day.
- Avoid drinking water and other liquids 30 minutes before and after your meals. A little Chinese tea at the end of your meal will aid in your digestion.
- Avoid cold drinks and carbonated drinks.
- Avoid artificial sweeteners – use stevia or honey to sweeten your drinks.
- Avoid or minimize alcohol intake and coffee.
- Replace tea and coffee with herbal tea. If griping occurs drink hot peppermint, fennel or chamomile infusions.
- Mix seeds like sunflower, flax, sesame and pumpkin seeds. Store in the fridge and grind 2 tablespoons daily. Sprinkle on cereal, salads or add to a smoothie.
- Increase the amount of organic, raw fruit and vegetables.
- Eat beetroot, raw, boiled or juiced daily.
- Eat a small slice of fresh ginger with rock salt and olive oil 10 minutes before your meals.
- Have the “Beauty Breakfast” to start your day (see Recipes)
- Include fermented foods into your diet: kefir, sauerkraut (see Recipes), natural yoghurt, kombucha and kimchi.
- Chew slowly and keep your mouth shut while chewing, to avoid air getting into your digestive system.
- Vary red meat, white meat, fish and vegetarian meals.
- Whole grains (rice, barley, oats, buckwheat, quinoa etc.) are nutritionally better than pasta and breakfast cereals. They contain the roughage than cleans up your digestive system. Generally, they are better for you “al dente” – very slightly undercooked. Soak the grains overnight before cooking and discard the soak water.
- Beans and pulses are high in fiber. Introduce them into your diet carefully and slowly to avoid excess gas. Soak your beans overnight and discard soak water before cooking.
- Avoid white flour products.
- Reduce salt intake as it is dehydrating
- Eat smaller meals – grazing is better than gorging!
- Take a probiotics supplement: 5 billion CFU’s (Culture Forming Units) minimum.
- Take psyllium husk, flaxseed or cascara sagrada to assist in bowel movements.
- Exercise at least 3 days per week for 30 minutes.
- Try rebounding (jumping on a trampoline or chest deep water).
Morning Routine: how to retrain the bowel
- As soon as you wake up have a glass of warm water with lemon juice.
- Make time to sit on the toilet soon after you get up in the morning, do this regularly to establish a new and regular toilet habit.
- Use a footstool to put your feet on when having a bowel movement.
- Do not ignore the urge to have a bowel movement, go to the toilet ASAP.
This breakfast has been traditionally used by those wanting to have a steady supply of energy in the morning, good digestion, regular elimination and a beautiful skin. It requires minimum preparation and is ready to be eaten in the morning.
Beauty Breakfast
This breakfast has been traditionally used by those wanting to have a steady supply of energy in the morning, good digestion, regular elimination and a beautiful skin. It requires minimum preparation and is ready to be eaten in the morning.
Detoxing Juice
Liz’s professionalism is top notch and the environment she provides is very comforting and clean. She makes the experience as pleasant, smooth and as
comfortable as possible. The results are fantastic. I have made many dietary changes based on her suggestions since my first treatment and since then, I’ve never felt better in my life.
I was very much impressed with the lovely and comfortable space Liz Coetzee created for her practice, with how thoroughly and thoughtfully she handled the colon hydrotherapy treatment and the hygienic standards she maintains. Liz is very personable and friendly, and having done a lot of colonics herself, her skin is radiantly beautiful. After the treatment, I felt lighter and vibrant.
I am a survivor of Stage 4 colon cancer and was recommended to Liz by a friend. After surgery I became constipated, but I feel much more
comfortable and “lighter” after receiving treatments. My overall health has also improved.
Liz is delicate, kind and full of wisdom regarding colon hydrotherapy. The treatment gave me a better understanding of my own body, mood and lifestyle. Liz gave professional advice accordingly. Thanks to Liz for this professional and intimate treatment.
Liz has an amazing energy and spirit that leave you wanting to make changes to your health and general well-being. Definitely worth a visit!
“All sickness starts in the gut”. True health begins there. Liz realized that long ago and wants to help as many people as she can come to that realization.
This is a very magical experience. After my first treatment, I felt tired, but after a day I felt very relaxed and comfortable. I highly recommend this treatment.
I love the environment of Liz’s treatment space; it is clean and cozy. Liz is a very professional therapist who cares a lot about the mental and physical wellness of her clients. Since a year ago, I have started colonics treatment with her and there are precious changes of my health and my relationship with food. For anyone who is interested in improving overall wellness, Liz’s service is highly recommended!
We require 24 working hours (1 day) notice of cancellation of your appointment to offer that appointment time to another client. If notice is given in less than 1 day, you will be charged half of your treatment costs.
We are always understanding regarding emergencies and we will do our best to accommodate a change in appointment time. Other than emergencies, please let us know in good time.
“No Shows” (No notice given) and same-day cancellations will be charged at the full price of your treatment.
- No credit card facilities